Friday, April 8, 2011

Local, Sustainable Botox

I have noticed the past few times walking along Hobie Beach that there are skeletons of dead birds long the tide line. It is disturbing because I wonder about the causes. My first thought is pollution because Miami River, which is nearby, spews outs and is notorious for pollution. If this were true it would not be new but worrisome because the levels are the point of killing birds. However, looking up and down the beach, there are not other signs of this possibility. My line of logic would flow that if the pollution was so great, why am I not seeing fish or other animals dead or dying? So, it must be something else. What about a disease that is spreading, either a bacteria or virus? Such a possibility gives me more reason to worry. Given that birds are warm blooded animals, I feel like I could be susceptible to such an outbreak, right? Just possibly? I surfed the internet and got onto Miami-Dade's Department of Environmental Resource Management. They say that occasionally outbreaks of Botulism pop up in non-native duck populations in the county. Great the same ducks that live on the island are spreading Botulism, also known as Lock Jaw. Luckily the website claims it is not communicable to humans because it is a specialize strain. Thanks, I feel better about walking barefoot and letting my dog run around in the water on that beach. I guess I should have know better when I see people letting their dogs crap on the beach and not cleaning it up. But hey, look at the bright side, all those Botox clinics have a local supply of the poison they rely upon to give people the face lift or lips they have been wanting.

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