Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Driving in Miami

I was driving around Dadeland today running some errands when I cam to a stoplight. Sitting at the stoplight, as with most in Miami, a guy started walking up to cars holding a sign. His sign said that he had terminal cancer and he was really hungry. I stopped to examine the situation as I was reachied for my wallet. I began to notice what he was wearing amongst other particulars about his person. His clothing seemed in good condition; good looking backpack, nice sneakers and clean shorts. All of which seemed OK, I mean the sign didn't say "I am homeless and have no money" but his demener seemed to imply something to the effect. I mean most people at stoplights in Miami look dirty and usually are; walking up to your car with crusty pants and a ragged t-shirt, but this cancer victim seemed out of place, why there? If he had someone or some organization that gave him new or semi-new looking clothes why would they not feed him too? I tried to get his attention to give him a dollar I found in my wallet but I guess he didn't hear my calls because he walked in another direction. As he was walking away something else caught my attention that rubbed me the wrong way about his whole situation. I have seen this before in other cancer patients and I am sure it is more common than I really realize amongst terminal cases especially; behind his ear was a cigerette. "Just givemme one, I am gonna die anyway, just let me enjoy it." I blame society, of which I realize I just help to perpetuate, but the U.S. has and is continuing to set a bad example; not just to the international community (of which I have noticed that recently, 5 or 10 years, it does not matter how the U.S. reacts to any international situation, we are the bad guys) but especially to our children and our citizens.

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